Self-Care for Moms

With so much on our plates, self-care for moms is often the first thing to get put on the back burner when things get busy. It’s natural to want to put our families first and it can be hard to deprioritize work, but we’ve got to remember that we won’t be the best versions of ourselves in these roles if we are not taken care of first. Read on to see how we incorporate self-care in our busy routines:

Prepare Your Mind

Have you ever taken time away from your family but were plagued with guilt for leaving the kids, or can’t get yourself to let go of your racing thoughts enough to truly relax? One challenge in practicing self-care is getting our minds in the right headspace. We’ve found that taking a few minutes to journal or meditate goes a long way towards helping us release those thoughts and be in the moment. 

Take a Social Media Holiday

As small business owners, we do a lot of our work on social media. Taking a break from being online not only helps us detach from work mode, but also helps us to stay present and be fully in the moment. Logging off for just a weekend can do wonders—give it a try! 

Move Your Body

It can be hard to fit in time for exercise with kids around, so we’ve found it helps to actually schedule it in as an activity in our calendars. Alternatively, walking or jogging is a great activity to do WITH kids of all ages. Of course it varies with age—you might start them out in a stroller, but pretty soon, they might be riding their bikes while you jog alongside them. Make it a part of your family routine and everyone can benefit from the workout and the quality time outdoors.  

Connect With a Friend

Does anyone else struggle to keep up with your friends as a busy mom? Sometimes, it can feel like we spend all day talking—with our kids, clients, or co-workers—but there’s something soul-filling about a good heart to heart with a friend who understands and accepts you. So reach out to an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, or a newer mom friend who knows exactly what you’re dealing with right now. And if you must multi-task, pop in your AirPods and unload the dishwasher (or better yet, go on a walk) while you chat!

Pamper Yourself

Do something that makes you feel taken care of—whether that’s getting a mani/pedi, taking a long bath, or getting a massage—and tell that mom guilt to go away!

Make it Easier to Stay Healthy

It’s easier to make healthy choices when you’re prepared—so make a meal plan, stock the fridge with healthy produce and snacks. One thing we’ve found helpful is to wash and prep fruits and veggies when you buy them—when it’s convenient for us and the kids to grab, we’re more likely to eat it.

Want more on the topic of self-care for moms? Check out some other posts in our archive: Self Care Tips with Kim Le, Keeping Healthy Habits, and Wellness with Caroline. Let’s make sure we’re taken care of so we can be the moms we want to be!


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